Nutrition during Ramadan Fasting


Muslims observe fasting during the month of Ramadan, regardless of their ethnic and ideological differences. They last approximately for 15-17 hours without the intake of any food or fluid. Eating pattern is modified during Ramadan as nothing can be consumed in the restricted timings and energy supply form the food is not frequent, therefore major dietary modifications are required in this month. 
                     During Suhoor, the diet must comprise of dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, and complex carbohydrates as they have high satiety value and they are good sources of energy including barley, oat, rye, whole wheat. Protein sources like eggs, legumes, beans, nuts must also be included as they delay the pangs of hunger. Prefer healthy oils for cooking purposes and replace animal fats like butter, margarine with vegetable oils which include olive oil. Try to change cooking methods, prefer substituting roasting with grilling and baking.


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