Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan


Ramadan is not only great for excellent spiritual cleansing, it also exert detoxifying effects on the body such as detoxification of the body organs and exclusion of harmful toxins from the body. During fasting, no meal is consumed for a specific time duration, due to which digestive system is in rest throughout the day which results in the detoxification of the body and its organs.  
During fasting, detrimental toxins are eliminated from the body. Fat deposits that are present in the body contain harmful toxins, which exert negative impact on the health. When body starts utilizing stored fat deposits to produce energy during fasting, size of the fat deposits starts decreasing and harmful toxins are removed from the body.

During Ramadan, metabolism is boosted which in turn increase the absorption of essential nutrients in the body leading to the improved health. This positive change in the body during fasting is due to the increase produced of ‘‘adiponectin’’ a hormone responsible for significantly increasing the nutrients absorption and their utilization in the body.


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